Page McBrier
Author for young readers

Author Talks
Beatrice’s Goat (all ages)
This presentation combines photos of my research trip to East Africa; updates on the “real” Beatrice; conversations about the writer’s process from research to revision; and comments and photos on some of the ways rural areas in East Africa are fighting hunger and poverty through the simple gift of an animal.
Winter in Songming (grades 2-4)
Set in rural China, this picture book tells the story of how a young boy helps the men in his village build a new addition onto his family’s house. This presentation, inspired by a true event, includes photos of my research trip to the village; the writing and revision process; and a conversation on some of the other ways Heifer has worked with this community to improve their quality of life, including the introduction of biogas.
Once There Was and Was Not: A Modern Folktale from Armenia (grades 3-6)
This modern-day folktale is based on a true story about a friendship between three Armenian boys who raise a calf together in their small village. The PowerPoint assembly presentation includes slides of my research trip to the village; how and why I decided to write it in the style of an Armenian folktale; and why Heifer is supporting after-school clubs in Armenia
(for smaller classroom groups)
The Chicken and The Worm (grades K-2)
Dig your hands into my worm compost bin and meet my red wiggler worms, nature’s composters. Learn how the idea for a conversation text between a chicken and a worm came about, and become either a “chicken” or a “worm” as the story is read aloud. Use a worksheet to write and draw a picture of something you learned about worms or chickens that was true and something that was not true. (Also available with this program: Create a worm bin activity.)
One Cow and Counting (grade 5 and up)
Learn about the research and writing process. Divide into small focused discussion groups to take a closer look at the amazing illustrations. Choose one person from your group to share one or two “takeaways” with the rest of the class.
Abracadabra Tut (grades 5 -7)
Learn a magic trick. Discover some cool things about King Tut. Create your own hieroglyphs to illustrate what you learned.