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Page McBrier
Author for young readers
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I grew up in Indianapolis and later St. Louis, where
I excelled in reading and tree climbing.
Fun Stuff About Page
I was one of three kids until I was 10, when my family began
to take in other kids. Eventually, we adopted five more.

Our house was always filled with pets, including cats, dogs, ducks, mice, turtles, one very small alligator and a donkey, which we occasionally rode to school.
We were the “unsupervised house,” which made
us a popular destination.
Instead of a playground, the elementary school we
attended had a woods with a rope swing and a log cabin.

My college degree was in theater and education. I always
knew I wanted to “do fun stuff” with kids, and I have.
Our summers were spent on Tybee Island, Georgia, visiting my mother’s family. I loved to wade out into the water to go crabbing because there was always the mildly dangerous chance that the crab would let go of the bait and drop onto my big toe.
After college, I moved to New York City to study acting,
and then worked as a teaching artist in various schools
in San Francisco and Fresno, CA.

My first book assignment was to develop a book series for boys. Oliver Moffitt was a pet care “expert,” who got into all sorts of predicaments when he was hired to take care of various animals, including a duck, a camel, and a frisky monkey.
Today my husband Peter and I live in a small town in
coastal Connecticut. Our two sons, Cole and Brooks,
who filled this house with music, friends, and shenanigans, are grown and gone. Now we have a grandchild who comes to visit! And I still write books for kids and work in classrooms.
It’s the best job in the world, especially for me.

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